今朝は気分良く目覚めました。 昼食後、リハビリを兼ねて妙正寺川沿いのマルエツ中野若宮店で一人買い物。 白内障の手術をしたばかりなので、太陽が出ていると目が痛いです。 厚着をしていたので汗が出るくらい暑かったです。 でも太陽が雲に隠れるとすごく寒く感じました。 中野区立明和中学校建設現場の妙正寺川沿いの遊歩道の工事が終わり、遊歩道が広くなり歩きやすくなりました。 これからのリハビリ散歩は、行きは妙正寺川の左側の道、帰りは右側の道を歩くことにします。 片道650mなので往復1300mです。 歩数は3656歩、買い物時間も含め40分かかりました。
I woke up in a good mood this morning. After lunch, I did some shopping by myself at the Maruetsu Nakano Wakamiya store along Myoshojikawa River, which also served as my rehabilitation. I've just had cataract surgery, so my eyes hurt when the sun is out. I was wearing thick clothes so it was hot enough to make me sweat. But when the sun went behind the clouds it felt really cold. Work on the promenade along Myoshojikawa River at the Nakano Ward Meiwa Junior High School construction site has been completed, making the path wider and easier to walk on. For my rehabilitation walks from now on, I will walk on the path to the left of Myoshojikawa River on the way there and the path on the right on the way back. It's 650m one way, so 1300m round trip. I took 3656 steps, and it took 40 minutes including shopping time.
16:54, Sunday, Dec 08, 2024 ¦ 固定リンク
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